About Center
Efficient Industry Requires Dynamic Training

Some of the groups which the training center includes are:
•Companies active in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry;
•Insurance companies, banks and municipalities;
•Some industries such as steel, cement and automotive;
•University graduates;
•Faculty members and university staff.
69 Bachelor Programs, 9562 BA and BSc Students
208 Master Programs, 6859 MA and MSc Students
139 PhD Programs, 1356 PhD Students
More than 800 Faculty Members
By joining Abbaspour School of Engineering (formerly named Power and Water University of Technology, PWUT) in 2013, industrial experiences and capabilities of PWUT has been transferred to SBU, synergically.

Professional training centre (PCT) is a full size academic and higher education center affiliated to shahid beheshti university. PCT with 45 years of experience and very modern technical and training facilities is offering short courses and degree programs for the personnel of the power and water industries.

PCT with more than 48 years of experiences and very modern technical and training facilities is offering short courses and degree programs to the personnel of affiliated companies to shahid Beheshti University. The short courses are offered to the experts of the industries to keep them up to date in their jobs.
The short courses are given in Technician and Engineering levels in Farsi and/or English (upon request) in PCT or in other regional countries. The content of the courses are considered in such a way as to cover technical information and experiences which are required as the real qualification for industrial jobs.
•Designing training courses
•Designing and preparing educational contents and pamphlets
•Implementation of professional training courses
•Evaluating the effectiveness of training
•Implementation of Recruitment tests

The main mission of PTC can be stated as “training based on needs of diverse industries with a special focus on the water, power, and energy sectors”.
Accordingly, major principal activities of PTC are designed in such a way that they cover all necessary requirements of educational process. These activities start with need assessment and end in effectiveness assessment. This unique process includes all educational desires of organizations and companies. Recruitment test design and its implementation completes this part of PTC’s activities.

Concise history:
Technical and Engineering Campus of Shahid Beheshti University (formerly known as Power and Water University of Technology) (PWUT) (Persian: دانشگاه صنعت آب و برق Dāneshgāh-e San'ate Aabo Bargh) is a state university of technology, engineering and science in Iran. PWUT is also the technical training center for power and water industries in Iran.
Around 120 academic staff with 100 labs and workshops provide an environment for the education of trainees from regional electric companies, power plants, and water and wastewater companies. The university is in northeast of Tehran, Iran. It is named after Hassan Abbaspour, former Iranian Minister of Energy, who was killed in 1981.
Programs are offered at Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels. In addition, PWUT conducts a short course aimed at upgrading or refreshing the knowledge and skills of practitioners. PWUT is accredited by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran and administered by a board of trustees comprising academicians and representatives of national organizations and professors.
PCT provides an environment to promote a high level of professional training for trainees from various backgrounds from different companies affiliated to shahid beheshti university.

Started Ph.D. (joint) program with French universities in 2001.
- Joined with Shahid Beheshti university in 2012 till now