Capacity and Activity

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Meanwhile, in order to take heed of industrial requirements, Professional Training Center has been developed over five decades of performing tailor-made training courses and study tours. According to official evaluation reports, PTC has been able to tackle formidable tasks of empowering human resources all over the industry community in an appropriate way.
A)-PTC Main Reason Activities:PTC Main Reason Activities:
The main reasons that make it necessary for PTC to continue its activities and even expand its domain of actions are:
• The gap between actual industry needs and capabilities of university graduates.
• The rapid growth of science and technology advances and the essence of updating the knowledge and skills of industry’s employees.
• Alteration of organizations’ approach towards knowledge-intensive, the creation of intangible assets and branding on the bases of educated and skilled, scholar and experienced human resources.
• Coordination and preparation of personnel for accepting new responsibilities with respect to changes in the organizational structure.
 training Activities:
-Power Plants and Energy Generation Engineering
-Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Refinery Industry
-Water and Environmental Engineering
-Power and Electrical Engineering
-Economics and Banking

Short courses are a great way to pick up new skills for professional and personal development. In addition to courses that commence each term
Our short course program has been designed to focus on providing vocational skills, aligned to the needs of employers and industry. This will help you gain the skills you want now and create a pathway to consider further education and training options.
B)- scope of activities:scope of activities:
The main mission of PTC can be stated as “training based on needs of diverse industries with a special focus on the Electrical ,water, power, Petroleum gas and oil,Energy, energy  & environtment sectorsindustries  sectors”. Accordingly, major principal activities of PTC are designed such a way that they cover all necessary requirements of educational process. These activities start with need assessment and end to the effectiveness assessment. This unique process includes all educational desires of organizations and companies. Recruitment test design and its implementation completes this part of PTC’s activities.
C)- Other Other activities could be briefly summarized as follows:
• Career analysis and need assessment.
• Designing training courses.
• Designing and preparing educational contents and pamphlets.
• Implementation of professional training courses.
• Evaluating the effectiveness of training.
• Implementation of Recruitment tests.
 D)-Fields of activities:
water and wastewater companies,
regional water companies,
manufacturing and distribution management companies
regional power companies
oil refineries, gas and petrochemical plants
 E)- scope of activities
Professional training center of SBU has valuable experience in all of these areas. Employment analysis and training need assessment for the power industry, design education based on merit (competency-based training) for many organizations including the national oil company and parts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development are only parts of the experience of the center. The current portfolio contains about six thousand workshops and short courses that are mostly designed by faculty and teachers of the university. Organizing workshops every year for about 2000 people makes the center the largest center for professional training in country. Certainly, such a volume of training requires an accurate process and management systems. All training courses held by the center are assessed for effectiveness of training. The methodology for evaluating the impact is based on globally known Kirk Patrick’s model, which is applicable to combine with 360-degree assessment method(based on ISO 9001-29990), and is localized to form an instruction for courses and workshops held by the center. However, proper quality control of the education is not guaranteed because the process of evaluating starts after the end of the whole or parts of the training. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of programs, the instruction acceptance criteria is developed and implemented by the center. Hence all materials and training process including lesson plans, worksheets, Teachers, classroom and school environment etc. must comply with the criteria and qualitative points of acceptance before applying.
Recruitment test design and implementation is another part of the center activities, which collaborates with companies and organizations to employ qualified workers. Table 18 lists some of the recruitment tests held by the center during the past five years.
In addition to the educational workshops held for water and power industry, other industrial sectors such as oil, gas and petrochemical industries have also benefited from cutting-edge knowledge.

Some selected courses for oil, gas and petrochemical industry.




No. of participants


Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the South Pars gas field

Total (France)



Phases 4 and 5 of the South Pars gas field

AGIP (Italy)



Phases 6,7 and 8 of the South Pars gas field

Iran Petro-pars company



Phases 9 and 10 of the South Pars gas field

South pars gas complex



Gas company recruitment

Tehran Gas company



Utilization of refineries and NGL facilities at Siri




Commissioning and operation of oil industry

D)- credit of Activities
 All educational activities of professional training center are based on educational standards. Consequently, all issued certificates are privileged and approved at governmental sectors.
In order to create a common language with industry and to promise standard training services, the center is granted necessary international training and management standards. Some of these credits and standards are:
• Short-term course license issued by the office of non-degree training, Ministry of Science.
• Professional course license for state employees from all governmental sectors issued by Vice-Presidency for Management and Human Capital Development.
• Advanced skills course (ASD) license issued by Technical and Vocational Organization.
• Exchange course license issued by the Securities and Exchange.
Center has received series of ISO standards in Quality Assurance(ISO9001), Occupational Health and Safety Management (ISO18001), Environmental Management(ISO14001) and on top of all, the standard of international workshop agreement of quality management of education and educational support(ISO 29990) and  integrated management system (IMS).

E)- PTC Agencies Capacities :
​To provide better facilities for personnel of companies in Tehran and other provinces, the professional training center has offices in different areas of Tehran as well as some provincial capitals as follows:

•The central office (Tehran-Hakimiye)
•Tehran office at Velenjak
•Tehran office at North Bahar
•Tehran office at Ekbatan
•Hormozgan office (bandarabbas)
•Khorasan office (Mashhad)
•Kerman office (kerman)
•Lorestan office (Khoramabad)
•Zanjan office (Zanjan)
•Markazi office (Arak)
•Mazandaran office (Zirab)
•Semnan office (Semnan)
F)- Training Academic Capacity:
PTC has a large training capacity utilizing academic ability of about 2000 full-time faculty members of 27 different SBU’s departments and research centers, along with about 900 experienced visiting lecturers from industry. This unique combination of knowledge and experience is the main factor of success in delivering high volume professional training with outstanding quality.
 The Center is under the supervision of university president and the center’s policies are codified at the Supreme council of professional training center

G)- Advance facilities:
A unique collection of educational facilities and teaching aids on the main site of professional training center are assigned to short courses which is completely separated from the university student facilities. This provides a great learning environment as while it creates constructive educational ambience.
This infrastructure includes:
·70 classrooms equipped with teaching aids specified for short-term courses
·More than 200 educational-research labs at SBU and Abbaspour School of Engineering
·Proper accommodation facilities with the capacity of more than 680 people at a time
·Sport facilities such as pool, sauna, soccer field, gym etc.
·Cultural facilities
·Restaurant with capacity of 300 guests

What services do we capable of perform?

All educational activities of professional training center are based on educational standards. Consequently, all issued certificates are privileged and approved at governmental sectors.
In order to create a common language with industry and to promise standard training services, the center is granted necessary international training and management standards. Some of these credits and standards are:
• Short-term course license issued by the office of non-degree training, Ministry of Science.
• Professional course license for state employees from all governmental sectors issued by Vice-Presidency for Management and Human Capital Development.
• Advanced skills course (ASD) license issued by Technical and Vocational Organization.
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Exchange course license issued by the Securities and Exchange.
Center has received series of ISO standards in Quality Assurance(ISO9001), Occupational Health and Safety Management (ISO18001), Environmental Management(ISO14001) and on top of all, the standard of international workshop agreement of quality management of education and educational support(ISO 29990) and  integrated management system (IMS).